Report Suspicous Activity

Call to report suspicious activity in Alberta:

A Message From RCMP for Rural Crime Watch Volunteers

A Message From RCMP for Rural Crime Watch Volunteers

The recent discoveries of burial sites at or near residential schools across the country have sparked a wave of sadness and reflection throughout Canada, particularly in First Nations, Metis and Inuit communities and where residential schools were located. Alberta had the largest number of residential schools among all the provinces/territories, with as many as 25 schools operating here at one time.

The Alberta RCMP continues to be committed to building upon our relationships with Indigenous peoples based on respect, co-operation and partnership.

The Alberta RCMP is compiling a list of all residential school locations in Alberta, along with possible burial sites.

Given these troubling discoveries and recent fires and vandalism at locations throughout Canada, we are asking our community partners to please be vigilant and report any suspicious activities at places of worship, including vandalism relating to public monuments, buildings and other possible locations. The eyes and ears of our Rural Crime Watch and Citizens on Patrol partners are vital to crime prevention. We request that you contact your local Alberta RCMP detachment if you see any suspicious activity.

Respectfully, we thank you for your assistance and support in light of the recent tragic discoveries and activities. Should you have any questions or want additional information, please contact your local detachment.

Alberta RCMP

Canadian Residential Schools Map

RCMP K Division Reconciliation Strategy

July 12, 2021