Drug Prevention in Youths

Because young people and teens can be easily influenced by drug use, the adults in their lives must remain proactive about preventing drug abuse. Remain aware of any changes in behaviour and the relationships in their lives, as it may indicate they are abusing drugs.

Drug prevention in teens and pre-teens is so important because adolescents who abuse substances have a high risk of negative outcomes such as injury, criminal involvement, dropping out of school, brain development or loss of life.

The most commonly used drugs by youths include alcohol, tobacco, and marijuana. Recently, vaping tobacco and marijuana has become more popular.

What are the signs of a drug problem in youths?

  • New friend groups.
  • Spending time alone.
  • Losing interest in their favourite things/activities.
  • Not taking care of themselves - not showering, changing clothes, or brushing their teeth.
  • Memory lapse, lack of coordination, slurred speech, etc.
  • Being very energetic, talking fast, or saying things that don't make sense.
  • They are tired and sad.
  • Eating more or less than usual.
  • Problems at school.
  • Relationships problems.
  • Lying and stealing.

How you can prevent your children from abusing drugs.

  • Maintain good communication with your children.
  • Help build confidence in them.
  • Set limits, and teach self-control and responsibility.
  • Supervision helps parents recognize problems, promote safety, and stay involved.
  • Keep up to date with your children's friends.

Taking to your children may not be the easiest thing; however, resources are available to help get the conversation going.

Start the Conversation

Drug Prevention Resources

There are more support resources for youth drug prevention and teens who might have an existing drug problem.