An emergency can happen at any time. Being prepared with supplies is a great way to help manage these unfortunate situations. Awareness and preparation are important ways to protect you and your family. Ask yourself if you are prepared if you lost power for an extended period? Do you have enough food, water and supplies to keep you and your loved ones safe?
There are many ways you and your family can become more prepared. Build an emergency kit and update it regularly. Make sure you have enough supplies at home in case you must shelter in place for an extended period of time. The goal is to have enough supplies to keep you and your family safe, warm, and comfortable.
Emergency Kit Checklist:
When you build and emergency kit, you should personalize your supplies for your situation and needs. Update your kit and your emergency plan annually or if your family situation changes. Replace food, water, and batteries annually.
Basic Kit should include:
- Water: two litres of water per person per day
- Food: Non-perishable food that does not require heat and/or water for preparation. Items such as canned food, energy bars, dried food, trail mix, etc. (Remember to replace once a year.)
- Manual can opener
- Flashlight and extra batteries
- Battery-powered or wind-up radio
- First aid kit
- Prescription medications (week supply, if possible)
- Infant formula, bottles, diapers, and children's items
- Extra keys for your car and house
- Cash
- Important family documents such as identification, passports, birth certificates, insurance, and bank records
- Emergency plan, include a copy in your kit as well as contact information
Additional items to consider:
- Two additional litres of water per person per day for cooking and cleaning
- Candles and matches or lighter (do not burn unattended)
- Change of clothing and footwear for each household member
- Sleeping bag or warm blanket for each household member
- Toiletries and personal hygiene items
- Hand sanitizer, toilet paper and garbage bags
- Prepaid phone card, mobile phone charger
- Pet food and supplies
- Activities for children like books, puzzles, or toys
- Utensils, plates, and cups
- Household chlorine bleach or water purifying tablets
- Basic tools (hammer, pliers, wrench, screwdrivers, work gloves, pocketknife)
- Small fuel-operated stove and fuel (Do not use barbeques, fuel stoves or open flames indoors)
- Whistle (to attract attention)
- Duct tape
Friendly Reminders
Report crime online!
The RCMP are encouraging all Albertans to report eligible crimes online (select property crimes under $5,000). Reporting less serious crimes online helps emergency dispatch and frontline members focus their time on high-priority calls. It provides a convenient way to share photos to the RCMP as well. These reports assist in crime analysis, aid in establishing trends and patterns, and ultimately leads investigators to the chronic offenders. It also assists in making decisions about how and where to deploy resources. Crimes reported online will be taken just as seriously as crime reported in any other way.
Help reduce crime, report online! #ReportSmart
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Please share our social media accounts with your friends and family. Protecting Alberta’s rural communities is a collective responsibility. The Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Association provides opportunities and resources for citizens to take action in protecting what’s most important to them. Together with local RCMP detachments, we create a strong awareness and presence of the law and help reduce crime.
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February 24, 2021