If you’ve been a victim of a scam, scammers may target you again with a promise to get your money back. Scammers will use a number of different tactics to steal your financial information or convince you to send money. Educating and informing consumers and communities on how to recognize, report, and stop fraud. Together with local RCMP detachments, we create a strong awareness to spread the messages on how to better protect yourself from these types of crime.
The Alberta RCMP and the Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre requests for people to watch out for the following situations that have been reported to them.
- A previous victim of a tech support scam, who paid scammers a fee to remove an online threat, may get a call from “the company” that told that it’s filing for bankruptcy and offering a refund on their services. They ask for access to your computer and for you to sign in to your online banking.
- You get an email claiming to be from a recognized company. The email asks you to call a phone number because "your payment couldn't be processed."
- You are contacted by someone claiming to be from a government department or law enforcement agency. They may ask for your help with a "sting" operation to take down scammers who stole your money.
- You are contacted by someone that says they have recovered your lost funds but to get them back you need to pay an advance fee.
Prevention Tips:
Defend yourself from a Recovery Pitch Scam by following the tips below.
- Never be afraid to hang up the phone.
- Don’t be afraid to say no and don’t be intimidated by high-pressure tactics.
- Request information in writing.
- Watch out for urgent pleas that play on your emotions.
- Never allow an unknown person to gain remote access to your computer or device.
- Be cautious if they don’t provide contact information.
- Do your research.
- Always have your computer or device serviced by a reputable local business.
- Never pay an advance fee to obtain a refund.
Scams and cybercrimes can happen to anyone. If you have been a victim of a scam, fraud, or cybercrime, please contact your local police. For more information about scams and fraud check out www.checkfirst.ca or Canada Anti-Fraud Centre at https://www.antifraudcentre-centreantifraude.ca/in...
Friendly Reminders
Report crime online!
The RCMP are encouraging all Albertans to report eligible crimes online (select property crimes under $5,000). Reporting less serious crimes online helps emergency dispatch and frontline members focus their time on high-priority calls. It provides a convenient way to share photos to the RCMP as well. These reports assist in crime analysis, aid in establishing trends and patterns, and ultimately leads investigators to the chronic offenders. It also assists in making decisions about how and where to deploy resources. Crimes reported online will be taken just as seriously as crime reported in any other way.
Help reduce crime, report online! #ReportSmart
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Please share our social media accounts with your friends and family. Protecting Alberta’s rural communities is a collective responsibility. The Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Association provides opportunities and resources for citizens to take action in protecting what’s most important to them. Together with local RCMP detachments, we create a strong awareness and presence of the law and help reduce crime.
Follow us for weekly safety tips, scam alerts, crime alerts & prevention and so much more.
August 19, 2021