The world has changed a lot in the last week. For a lot of people there is a mandatory isolation, for the rest of us that have voluntarily tightened up our world, where to now. The guys that are calving cows won’t likely notice a big difference. Their world does not get very far from the barn door. For the rest of us driving mother crazy, going around breaking things so we have something to fix, now would be a good time to look at CPTED and its principles. CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) is a set of principles around property design to deter criminal activity. Concepts around improving lines of site, increased lighting, the ergonomic location of equipment, are but a few of some of the key components.
You may consider, repairing that yard light that is broke, or adding another, maybe cleaning up some of the brush along the road, closing off that back entrance through the bale yard, or relocating the fuel tank and adding some alarms. Video cameras and signage that yards are alarmed and under video surveillance are good deterrents, and let’s not forget the Rural Crime Watch Signs, to tell them someone is watching. Attached are some links to more information, stay healthy going forward, that is number one and we will try and help you keep busy.
Central Alberta Crime Prevention Center
March 23, 2020