Anti Theft Campaign

Anti Theft Campaign

Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Association

Vehicle Anti Theft Campaign

Starting October 1, there will be a joint Crime Prevention initiative between the Alberta Provincial Rural Crime Watch Association, RCMP K Division and the Red Deer RCMP Detachment. The concept of this project is to target a high motor vehicle theft area with an online campaign through Google ad words, to see if we can influence and reduce crime rates. Knowing that approximately 40% of all stolen vehicles have the keys left in them or are running, we want our message to be about the importance of locking your vehicle.

We will focus on targeting the selected area so that every at-risk individual will see the ad seven times between October 1 and December 30 of 2020. Edge Marketing will be assisting us in this campaign and through Google Analytics will be able to help us select our key words based on information we can gather from the selected target area.

We have created a 15 second trailer video to use for this campaign:

With reference to the crime report summary supplied by K Division, we have decided to work with the Red Deer RCMP detachment area for this campaign. Statistically this specific region constitutes a high capacity to potentially influence and impact a large number of individuals and would be ideal for this campaign. With 1219 stolen vehicles in this region during 2019, it represents close to half of all stolen vehicles for the province in one small geographic area.

On Oct 1 2020, we begin our campaign by promoting the attached Google ad in the Red Deer detachment area. We will also gather prior reporting for 2019 and 2020 years and compare these theft results going forward.The Campaign budget will allow us to provide a good blanket coverage of the area. Alongside our provincial awareness campaign, we will be able to impact the entire province of Alberta with 1 million ads a month with this budget.

It is our overarching goal, with support and guidance from K division, to run an annual Crime Prevention Campaign for various high crimes in selected areas around the Province. Through this campaign, and other upcoming initiatives, we will be able to educate the public with Crime Prevention tips and strategies.

September 23, 2020